Revision: January 18, 2024, at 12:52 AM
RAANZ Policy and Procedures Manual
Administrative Procedures and Regulatory Compliance
(C) RAANZ- this document is the property of RAANZ, all rights are reserved to RAANZ.
1 Introduction
2 Manual Control
3 Manual Version
4 Associated Files
5 Feedback
- 6.1 Policy Statement
- 6.2 Authority
- 6.3 Safety Policy and Chief Executive Statement
- 6.5 Head Office
- 6.6 Area of Operations
- 6.7 Senior Persons
- 6.7.1 Governing Body
- 6.7.2 Chief Executive Officer
- 6.7.3 Systems Auditor
- 6.7.5 Administration Officer
- 6.7.6 Operations Officer
- 6.7.7 Technical Officer
- 6.7.8 Medical Adviser
- 6.7.9 Helicopter Officer
- 7.1 Exposition
- 7.2 Delegation Holders
- 7.3 Delegated Activity
- 7.4 Certificated Activities
- 7.5 Personnel
- 7.6 Personnel - Authority
- 7.7 Organisation Chart
- 7.8 Continued Compliance
- 7.9 Changes to the Organisation/Exposition
- 7.10 Facilities
- 7.11 Document Control
- 8.1 Calendar
- 8.2 Internal Competence Review
- 8.3 Conformity to Safety Policy
- 8.4 Management Review
- 8.5 Field Audits
- 8.6 Head Office Audit
- 8.7 Available for Audit
- 9.1 Aircraft Defect Report Procedure
- 9.2 Aircraft Accident/Incident Report Procedure
- 9.3 Examination Procedure
- 9.4 Pilot Certificate Issue, Renewal, Upgrade
- 9.5 Instructor Certificate Issue
- 9.6 ATO Appointment Issue
- 9.7 Inspection Authority Authorisation
- 9.8 Certificate Issue
- 9.9 Modification Assessments
- 9.10 Quality Assurance Action Procedure
- 9.11 Fit and Proper Person Procedure
- 10.1 Data Policy
- 10.2 RAANZ Database
- 10.3 Archive File
- 10.4 Senior Persons and Executive Council file
- 10.5 Quality Assurance Action file
- 10.6 Approved Modifications file
- 10.7 Defect Reports file
- 10.8 Accident/Incident report file
Policy and Procedures Manual
The following definitions are used in this Manual:
- AD - Airworthiness Directive
- ADMIN - RAANZ Administration Officer
- AGL - Above Ground Level
- ATO - Authorised Testing Officer
- CAANZ - The Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
- CAR - Civil Aviation Rule
- CEO - Chief Executive Officer of RAANZ
- CFI - Chief Flying Instructor
- CMV- RAANZ Certificate and Membership Validation form
- Combined Control Microlight Aircraft - A microlight aircraft in which control about at least one axis is achieved by body weight or by an unusual or specialist control. Control about the other axes is conventional.
- FPV- RAANZ Flight Permit Validation form
- HELO - RAANZ Helicopter Officer
- IA - Inspection Authority
- RAANZ - The Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand Incorporated.
- m - Metres.
- Microlight Aircraft - An aircraft conforming to the definition in Part 103.3.
- NM - Nautical Miles.
- OPS - RAANZ Operations Officer
- Part 103 - Civil Aviation Rule Part 103.
- Part 149 - Civil Aviation Rule Part 149.
- Part 91 - Civil Aviatio Rules Part 91.
- QA - RAANZ Systems Auditor
- TAIC - Transport Accident Investigation Commission.
- TECH - RAANZ Technical Officer
- Three Axis Control Microlight - A microlight aircraft in which any seat is fixed to the fuselage structure. Control about the lateral axis is achieved by elevators or canard, about the longitudinal axis by ailerons, differential spoilers or wing warping and about the normal axis by rudder.
- Weight Shift Microlight - A microlight aircraft controlled by lateral and longitudinal movement of the pilot's body weight in relation to a control bar or `A' frame rigidly attached to the wing.
1 Introduction
This Policy and Procedures Manual is the property of the Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand (Inc) and must be maintained in a current state by the person to whom it has been issued.
Sections of this manual may be copied by RAANZ members for their own use however, these copies remain as copyright to RAANZ and are not to be distributed outside the RAANZ organisation without written permission.
Once copied, information may become out of date. Ensure that you are using a current copy by downloading the current version off the RAANZ website (
Nothing contained in this Manual is to be construed as:
- preventing individual affiliated clubs from introducing additional procedures as may be required to suit local conditions.
- relieving the individual Microlight Pilot of their responsibility to take any action in an emergency or unusual circumstances which he/she considers necessary for the preservation of any life or property.
2 Manual Control
2.1 Indexing
This manual uses HTML layout and is designed to be used online.
Standard browser hotlinks are used to reference between the contents section and the body of the manual.
An index is not provided, but most browsers support searching on any user entered keyword.
2.2 Using the Browser
You will get the best result by using the links (marked as underscore text) to move through the document and the "back" button on your browser to return back to a previous point.
2.3 Printing from the browser
Use the Print link in the upper right corner of the page to generate a printer-ready version without sidebars and headers
2.4 Layout
This manual consists of two parts as follows:
- RAANZ-Admin contains the RAANZ internal view- administrative procedures and regulatory compliance
- RAANZ-Ops contains the Pilot external view- pilot certificate, rating and other information
2.5 Distribution
This manual is available to all members of RAANZ via our web site (
Members who do not have access to the Internet may request a hard copy from RAANZ Administration
All printed manuals are uncontrolled and should be marked "UNCONTROLLED".
2.6 Controlled Copies
There are two controlled copies, the master copy on the RAANZ website and a current version with CAA (PDF).
All other copies are uncontrolled.
2.7 Manual Release Dates
Each time alterations are made to the manual and it is released the new revision date will shown in the document header, witrh a brief summary of the changes in Section 3 Manual Version below.
There is no amendment service.
The RAANZ website hosts the current release.
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3 Manual Version
This section contains a brief summary of changes to the current and previous versions only.
Full details of editing history can be viewed via the History link in the top right of each HTML page.
January 2024
- 7.2 Change of CEO
December 2023
- 9.8 Added check of current medical certificate
November 2023
- 6.7 Changed Delegation holder from Evan Gardiner to Scott James
May 2023
- 6.3 Updated Safety Policy and CEO Statement
- 6.7 Changed CEO from Evan Gardiner to Scott James
- 6.7 Changed Systems Auditor from Scott James to Bill Penman
April 2023
- 6.7 Changed Technical Officer from Stan Hyde to Colin Alexander
4 Associated Files
Files that these manuals (raanz-admin.html and raanz-ops.html) have hyperlinks to are:
5 Feedback
Use the or email RAANZ with any errors or suggestions about this manual or any RAANZ publication or service.
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6 Organisation
6.1 Policy Statement
From the RAANZ constitution:
- 2. AIMS2.1 To promote, encourage and foster the sport of building and flying Recreational Aircraft in New Zealand.2.2 To promote the teaching of safe and efficient flying techniques in respect of Recreational Aircraft.2.3 To provide an organisational structure to liaise with the regulatory bodies governing recreational flying; to accept delegated responsibilities from these bodies; to discuss and promote all aspects of the sport of Recreational Flying and the use of Recreational Aircraft with these bodies.
6.2 Authority
This Policy and Procedures Manual has been produced to show conformity with Civil Aviation Rule:
- Part 12: Accidents, Incidents and Statistics
- Part 39: Airworthiness Directives
- Part 91: General Operating and Flight Rules
- Part 100: Safety Management
- Part 103: Microlight Aircraft Operating Rules,
- Part 149, Aviation Recreation Organisations Certification,
and to enable the Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand Inc. (RAANZ) to remain eligible for Certification as a Part 149 Microlight Organisation.
The Policy, Procedures and general guidance contained in this manual have the approval of the Chief Executive Officer and the RAANZ Executive Council.
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6.3 Safety Policy and Chief Executive Statement
RAANZ is in place to support the microlight community.
It is RAANZ policy to promote safe flying practices through various initiatives including:
- Supporting our ATOs and Instructors. We will continue to develop tools and training. We will run Seminars to learn and share leading practices in instructing and guiding our pilots;
- Supporting our Inspectors and aircraft owners. We will continue to develop tools and training. We will run Seminars to learn and share leading practices in maintaining standards in our fleet;
- Supporting our pilots with timely information and guidance on current issues related to skills, standards and safety;
- Conducting audits of our environment to ensure we comply with our exposition, in both training and technical requirements.
- Encouraging an open, timely and responsive reporting and response to incidents, defects and other such issues, in line with our Just Culture
On behalf of the Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand Incorporated, I confirm that this Exposition defines this organisation and demonstrates the means and methods for ensuring ongoing compliance with
Civil Aviation Rule Part 103 and Part 149, other applicable rules, including those listed in 6.2 above.
Scott James
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6.5 Head Office
The Association's head office is located at the address of the Administration Officer.
The RAANZ Address for Service is
Postal | RAANZ Inc, PO Box 15-016, Hamilton 3240 |
Physical | RAANZ Inc, 559 Rukuhia Rd, RD2 Ohaupo 3882 |
At this office is held:
- Association Financial Records.
- Association Common Seal.
- Association Certificate of Incorporation.
- Computer.
- Scanner/copier/printer.
- Publications stock.
- All Administration Records (paper and electronic forms)
- Correspondence.
- Letterheads.
- All other relevant files.
All pilot and aircraft documents received are logged in the RAANZ database, the appropriate contact log updated, and the paper forms archived in date sequence.
All electronic files are backed up immediately to the cloud (Dropbox)
The website, database and associated files are hosted externally ( and backed up monthly.
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6.6 Area of Operations
RAANZ members are located throughout New Zealand. Our Administration is centered at our Head Office which is considered to be our principal location for our delegated activity.
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6.7 Senior Persons
Chief Executive Officer | Scott James | CAA Senior Person and Delegation Holder | | 021 525 561 |
Systems Auditor | Bill Penman | CAA Senior Person | | 027 240 8500 |
Administration Officer | Stuart Parker | CAA Senior Person and Delegation Holder | | 021 076 3483 |
Operations Officer | Rodger Ward | CAA Senior Person | | 027 493 2943 |
Technical Officer | Colin Alexander | CAA Senior Person | | 027 276 7797 |
Modifications assessment Officer | Colin Alexander | CAA Senior Person | | 027 276 7797 |
Medical Advisor | Dr Peter Vujcich | | 09 407 629 | |
Helicopter Officer | Bradley Yorke | | 027 228 7118 |
6.7.1 Governing Body
RAANZ is an Incorporated Society with an elected Executive Council .
The RAANZ Constitution can be found here.
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6.7.2 Chief Executive Officer
The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Council and be directly responsible to the Director and this body. Qualifications
The Chief Executive Officer shall be a responsible person, acceptable to the Director as a Fit and Proper Person under the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
They shall have sufficient knowledge of the Association's activities to determine that its responsibilities are being discharged, and sufficient authority to ensure compliance with the certification document issued under CAR Part 149. Responsibilities
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible to the Director and the Executive Council for the following functions-
- All activities listed on the Part 149 Certificate and in accordance with this manual.
- Discussing with the Executive Council and supporting control measures made by the Systems Auditor for correcting performance deficiencies in Offices of the Association, of affiliated clubs, groups or operators, or of individual members and may direct (if necessary) that the control measures are executed without delay.
- Considering recommendations from other Senior Persons when dealing with items within their expertise and passing these recommendations to the Executive Council for consideration and action.
- Ensuring that the Exposition is maintained as required.
- Acting and liaising in accordance with any delegation issued by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
6.7.3 Systems Auditor
The Systems Auditor shall be appointed by the Executive Council and shall be directly responsible to the Chief Executive Officer on matters of quality assurance. Qualifications
The Systems Auditor shall be a responsible person, acceptable the Director as a Fit and Proper Person under the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
They shall have a sufficient understanding of quality assurance procedures to undertake the Quality Assurance responsibilities required under CAR 149.63. Responsibilities
The Systems Auditor is responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the following functions:
- Carrying out safety audits of the Association and its affiliated Clubs, groups and operators against the procedures contained within this manual.
- Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer any non-compliance, non-conformance and observations found on these audits.
- Recommending priorities for actioning any deficiencies found on these audits.
- Carrying out spot audits when detailed by the Chief Executive Officer.
- Acting as liaising with the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand on safety matters through the Chief Executive Officer.
- Acting and liaising in accordance with any delegation issued by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
6.7.5 Administration Officer
The Administration Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Council and be directly responsible to the Chief Executive Officer.
They shall be responsible for the day to day transactions of documented information which support the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Certification of RAANZ and its Incorporation. Qualifications
The Administration Officer shall be a responsible person, acceptable to the Director as a fit and proper person under the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
They shall have a good understanding of general administration procedures and sufficient knowledge of Association activities. Responsibilities
The Administration Officer is responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the following functions:
- Processing all membership and certificate applications.
- Processing all Aircraft Registration and Flight Permit applications.
- Undertaking such duties relating to the receiving and sending of correspondence as requested by the Executive Council.
- Undertaking such duties relating to the organisation of meetings and minuting such meetings as requested by the Executive Council.
- Undertaking such projects or developments as required on request of the Executive Council,
- Maintaining computer files and back-up files, including issuing such summaries and reports as may be requested.
- Undertaking any other work requested by the Executive Council including such authorised duties as other Office holders may require.
- Acting in any other capacity as required by the Executive Council, whether temporary or permanent.
- Acting and liaising in accordance with any delegation issued by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
6.7.6 Operations Officer
The Operations Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Council and be directly responsible to the Chief Executive Officer.
They shall be responsible for all the flying activities of the Association.
In carrying out this function the Operations Officer is responsible for the development, implementation, and function of operational and instructional flight standards of all affiliated Microlight Clubs, Groups and operators flying under the Certificate of Approval issued to RAANZ by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand. Qualifications
The Operations Officer shall be a responsible person, acceptable to the Director as a Fit and Proper Person under the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
They shall have strong interpersonal skills and be qualified within the Association to at least Authorised Testing Officer Standard. Responsibilities
The Operations Officer shall be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the following functions:
- Ensuring that all Microlight operations carried out under the RAANZ Microlight Organisation Certificate comply with the Rules in CAR Part 149, CAR Part 103, Subparts E and F, and CAR Part 91.
- Ensuring that all Operational Policies and Procedures contained in this manual and the RAANZ Instructor Guide and Pilot Training Manual are complied with.
- Reviewing and upgrading methods of flight training and instruction to keep pace with developments in Microlight Aviation.
- Reviewing and approving recommendations for the issue of Instructor Certificates.
- Coordinating and assisting ATOs in their activities and ensuring that training and operational standards remain consistent throughout the Association.
- Running Instructors Seminars for Association ATOs and Instructors.
- Acting and liaising in accordance with any delegation issued by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
6.7.7 Technical Officer
The Technical Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Council and shall be directly responsible to the Chief Executive Officer.
They shall be responsible for the training and assessment of persons requesting Inspection Authority and for the development, implementation and overview of maintenance systems for microlight aircraft operated within the Association. Qualifications
The Technical Officer shall be a responsible person, acceptable to the director as a Fit and Proper Person under the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
They shall have good interpersonal skills and be qualified within the Association to Inspection Authority level or qualified to an industry standard such as a Licensed Aircraft Mechanical Engineer or Aeronautical Engineer or equivalent. Responsibilities
The Technical Officer shall be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the following functions:
- Ensuring that all Microlight Aircraft operated under the RAANZ Microlight Organisation Certificate comply with the definition and Rules in CAR 103, Subpart G and CAR Part 43.
- Ensuring that all Maintenance Policies and Procedures contained in this Manual are complied with.
- Reviewing and upgrading maintenance methods and programs to ensure the continuing airworthiness of Microlight Aircraft operated by the Association.
- Assessing and categorising defects reported and discussing with the Executive Council any proposed action to be taken by the Council.
- Coordinating and assisting Inspection Authority Holders in their activities and ensuring that training and maintenance standards remain consistent throughout the Association.
- Examining applications, reviewing and recommending the issue or renewal of Inspection Authority applications.
- Running Maintenance Seminars for Association Inspection Authority Holders.
- Acting and liaising in accordance with any delegation issued by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
6.7.8 Medical Adviser
The Medical Adviser shall be appointed by the Executive Council.
Their advice will be sought on pilot medical questions as the need arises.
Note: Any charges incurred by the activities of the Medical Adviser shall be paid by the pilot in question. Qualifications
The Medical Adviser shall be a registered Medical Practitioner with a Diploma in Aviation Medicine (such as are listed in the CAA Medical Directory as AMA Grade 1). Responsibilities The Medical Adviser shall be responsible to the Chief Exewcutive Officer for:
- Advising on medical standards.
- Advising on pilot medical conditions which could affect the pilots suitability to hold a Microlight Certificate.
6.7.9 Helicopter Officer
The Helicopter Officer shall be appointed by the Executive Council and shall be directly responsible to the Chief Executive Officer.
They shall be responsible for the training and assessment of persons requesting Helicopter Certificates [where the applicant does not hold a current PPL(H)] and for the development, implementation and overview of microlight Helicopter training within the Association. Qualifications
The Helicopter Officer shall be a responsible person, acceptable to the director as a Fit and Proper Person under the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
They shall have strong interpersonal skills and be qualified within the Association to at least Senior Flight Instructor Standard. Responsibilities
The Helicopter Officer shall be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the following functions:
- Approving for issue microlight Helicopter Certificates, where the applicant satisfies the Helicopter Officer that they meet a standard equivalent to PPL(H)
- Ensuring that all Microlight Helicopter operations carried out under the RAANZ Microlight Organisation Certificate comply with the Rules in CAR Part 103, and CAR Part 91.
- Reviewing and upgrading methods of microlight Helicopter flight training and instruction.
- Ensuring that microlight Helicopter training and operational standards remain consistent throughout the Association.
- Running Helicopter Instructors Seminars for the Association.
- Acting and liaising in accordance with any delegation issued by Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
7 Part 149 Compliance
7.1 Exposition
The details how RAANZ will operate and comply with Part 149.
This manual (raanz.html) and its related links contains all procedures and statements relating to RAANZ and how it operates in the Part 149 delegated environment.
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7.2 Delegation Holders
Scott James (RAANZ CEO) holds delegation from the Director of Civil Aviation to:
- Receive applications for Microlight Pilot Certificates and Microlight Pilot Instructor Certificates.
- Issue, grant and renew Microlight Pilot Certificates and Microlight Pilot Instructor Certificates.
- Determine whether not a person is a fit and proper person to hold a Microlight Pilot Certificate, or that a current holder of a Microlight Pilot Certificate continues to satisfy the Fit and proper person test.
Stuart Parker (RAANZ ADMIN) holds delegation from the Director of Civil Aviation to:
- Receive applications for Microlight Pilot Certificates and Microlight Pilot Instructor Certificates.
- Issue, grant and renew Microlight Pilot Certificates and Microlight Pilot Instructor Certificates.
- Determine whether not a person is a fit and proper person to hold a Microlight Pilot Certificate, or that a current holder of a Microlight Pilot Certificate continues to satisfy the Fit and proper person test.
7.2.3 Colin Alexander (previous RAANZ TECH) holds authorisation from the Director of Civil Aviation to:
- review and assess microlight aircraft modifications.
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7.3 Delegated Activity
Microlight Pilot Certificate and Microlight Pilot Instructor Certificates are issued through the Certificate Issue procedure.
Fit and Proper Person applications are assessed through the FPP Assessment procedure.
Microlight aircraft modifications are reviewed and assessed through the Modification Assessment procedure.
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7.4 Certificated Activities
RAANZ holds a Part 149 Aviation Recreation Organisation Certificate issued by the Director of Civil Aviation.
This authorises RAANZ for:
- Personnel Certification (Microlight)
- Administer Pilot Certificates and Ratings
- Administer Pilot Instructor Certificates
- Administer microlight pilot hang glider tow ratings
- Authorise microlight inspectors
7.5 Personnel
The following Senior Positions are involved in the activities, detailed in the Exposition , as part of Part 149 delegation and compliance.
- Chief Executive Officer- overall responsibility for operations and compliance under Part 149
- Administration Officer- daily administration and issuing Pilot Certificates and Ratings
- Systems Auditor- reports to CEO on quality and compliance issues
- Operations Officer- flight operations and liaison with the ATO and Instructor network
- Technical Officer- modification assessments and liaison with the IA network
7.6 Personnel - Authority
Each Senior Person is sent notification of the position they fill and authorisation to carry out that responsibility in accordance with the RAANZ Exposition.
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7.7 Organisation Chart
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7.8 Continued Compliance
RAANZ will operate according to this manual.
The master copy of our Exposition and its related documents are held on our website (
This manual is available to all Personnel and RAANZ members as described under the heading Distribution in the Manual Control section.
The Chief Executive Statement declares the intention to achieve Continued Compliance and the Internal Audit Procedures provide the quality Assurance program to back the intention with action.
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7.9 Changes to the Organisation/Exposition
Any change in procedures or personnel will be reflected in this Exposition.
The following changes as listed in 149.103(d) or those required by the Director will require prior notification to and acceptance by the Director.
- the Chief Executive:
- the listed senior persons:
- the holder or holders of any delegation made by the Director:
- the activities authorised by the certificate:
- the principal locations at which the activities may be carried out:
- the procedures for personnel assessment and certification:
- the procedures for organising aviation events.
The process for controlling such changes shall be-
- A 'working copy' of the current approved exposition will be created.
- Draft changes will be made in the working copy, leaving the approved and published exposition untouched.
- A general summary of changes made will be entered in Section 3 Manual Version, and the 'History' tab will record all textual additions/deletions/amendments in detail.
- The RAANZ Executive Council will review the draft, and submit the revised copy to CAA for approval using form CAA 24149/01.
- On approval by CAA the working copy will be copied into the published copy on the RAANZ website.
7.10 Facilities
All facilities required to carry out the delegated activities are held in the RAANZ office.
The facilities held include:
- A computer for accessing and maintaining all files, databases, website, etc.
- A card printer for issuing pilot certificates.
- General office equipment and facilities.
7.11 Document Control
All controlled documents are held on and accessed from the RAANZ website.
Changes to controlled documents are first approved by the appropriate Senior Person in consultation with the RAANZ Executive Council.
Updated documents are marked with the revision date, and uploaded to the website.
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8 Internal Audit Procedures
8.1 Calendar
8.1.1 A Quality Assurance Calendar for each year will be drawn up to include :
- Internal Competence Review
- Conformity to Safety Policy
- Field Audit
- Head Office Audit
- Management Review
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8.2 Internal Competence Review
This review will be carried out as an agenda item in the Management Review.
The Executive Council will review all Senior Person's performance and understanding of their roles and identify any training needs.
This review action and any actions identified will be entered into the Quality Assurance Action file
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8.3 Conformity to Safety Policy
This review will be carried out as an agenda item in the Management Review.
The Executive Council will review and ensure that the Safety Policy is being achieved and is still appropriate to the members needs.
The review will be entered into the Quality Assurance Action file as will any corrective actions that are identified during the review.
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8.4 Management Review
An annual Management Review meeting will be held by the Executive Council
Agenda items will include-
- the Field Audit report
- the Head Office Audit report
- the Internal Competence Review
- the Conformity to Safety Policy
- the Quality Assurance Action File review
The review will be entered into the Quality Assurance Action file as will any corrective actions that are identified during the review.
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8.5 Field Audits
A field audit may take place at locations determined by the Internal Systems Auditor, or by sampled postal audit of pilots and aircraft.
The primary items and areas of interest to audit are the accuracy of pilot and aircraft records held,
The field audit should have a secondary aim of identifying system, education and training needs to ensure accurate records are kept.
The review will be entered into the Quality Assurance Action file as will any corrective actions that are identified during the review.
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8.6 Head Office Audit
This audit will sample any procedures and data held at head office.
The primary aim of the audit will be to verify the integrity of the Internal Systems with respect to CAA part 149 Compliance.
The and its links will be used as a checklist for this compliance.
A secondary aim of the audit is to identify those procedures that currently comply but could be streamlined or made more secure.
The review will be entered into the Quality Assurance Action file as will any corrective actions that are identified during the review.
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8.7 Available for Audit
RAANZ will make its records available for audit at any time.
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9 Administration Procedures
9.1 Aircraft Defect Report Procedure
- Defect reporting is essential to the maintenance of flight safety.
- All aircraft defects must be reported to RAANZ.
- The RAANZ Defect Report form is available here.
- It is preferable that this form is used, but reports will be accepted in any written or printable electronic form.
- The report should include as much supporting documentation and pictures as necessary to clearly describe the defect.
- On receipt of the report the Administrator will log the report in the QA Action File and pass on the details to the Technical Officer for review and any necessary action.
- Defect reports will form part of the agenda for Executive Council Meetings.
9.2 Aircraft Accident/Incident Report Procedure
- Accident and Incident reporting is essential to the maintenance of flight safety.
- All aircraft accidents and incidents must be reported to RAANZ.
- The RAANZ Accident/Incident Report form is available here.
- It is preferable that this form is used, but reports will be accepted in any written or printable electronic form.
- The report should include as much supporting documentation and pictures as necessary to clearly describe the accident or incident.
- On receipt of the report the Administrator will log the report in the QA Action File and pass on the details to the Operations Officer for review and any necessary action.
- Accident and incident reports will form part of the agenda for Executive Council Meetings.
- Any report on an accident as defined in CAR Part 1 will also be forwarded to CAA.
9.3 Examination Procedure
RAANZ exams can be sat online or on paper. Both must be under Instructor supervision.
Online procedure:
- Select the RAANZ online exam service.
- Both the candidate and the Instructor log in with their RAANZ number and password.
- Select the required exam, and click BEGIN- a set of exam questions are randomly drawn from the question pool.
- On completion of the exam click MARK to review the answers.
- Once reviewed, click DECLARE, after which the Instructor again logs in to confirm their presence and certification of the exam.
- On clickng SUBMIT the exam results are automatically entered into the candidate's record in the RAANZ database, with a confirmation email sent to the candiate for evidence.
Printed exam procedure:
- Select the RAANZ printed exam service.
- The Instructor logs in and selects the required exam paper.
- A set of exam questions are randomly drawn from the question pool and presented for printout.
- The candidate sits the exam.
- On completion the Instructor signs the paper to confirm their presence and certification of the exam, and sends it to RAANZ (mail or scanned copy).
- The exam is marked by RAANZ and the exam results are manually entered into the candidate's record in the RAANZ database, with a confirmation email sent to the candiate for evidence.
9.4 Pilot Certificate Issue, Renewal, Upgrade
- All applications for pilot certificates initial issue, renewal and upgrade must be made via an Instructor or ATO on a RAANZ Certificate and Membership Validation (CMV) form.
- The CMV form can be either the printed or online form.
- Printed CMV form booklets are held by the Instructor, online forms can be accessed by the Instructor logging in with their RAANZ number and password.
- The instructor will complete the CMV form and send a copy to RAANZ Administration (mail, scanned or online form).
- A copy of the printed form or a printed copy of the online form shall be affixed into the pilot's logbook.
- On receipt the RAANZ delegation holder will perform the Certificate Issue procedure below.
- Note: The privileges of an initial Certificate issue or upgrade may not be exercised until the applicant has received confirmation from RAANZ that it has been processed and approved.
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9.5 Instructor Certificate Issue
- An application for an Instructor Certificate from a suitably qualified pilot may be made following the procedure described in Field Operations section 2.9.
- The ATO will complete the application for issue and send a copy of the CMV form to RAANZ Administration (mail, scanned or online form).
- A copy of the printed form or a printed copy of the online form shall be affixed into the pilot's logbook.
- On receipt the application is referred to the Operations Officer for review/approval.
- On approval the RAANZ delegation holder will then perform the Certificate Issue procedure below.
- The successful candidate will be issued with a CMV book and associated materials to assist in their role.
- Note: Instructor privileges may not be exercised until the applicant has received confirmation from RAANZ that it has been processed and approved.
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9.6 ATO Appointment Issue
- The Executive Council will identify the need for, and a suitable candidate for, an ATO position in consultation with other Instructors and ATOs in the general area.
- The Operations Officer will interview the candidate to assess their suitability and brief them on RAANZ procedures and standards.
- The Operations Officer will issue a CMV form to RAANZ Aministration notifying the appoinment.
- On receipt the RAANZ delegation holder will perform the Certificate Issue procedure below.
- Note: ATO privileges may not be exercised until the applicant has received confirmation from RAANZ that it has been processed and approved.
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9.7 Inspection Authority Authorisation
- An application for the issue of an Inspection Authority may be made by suitably qualified persons following the procedure described in Field Operations section 3.4.
- Applications should contain significant details of relevant experience and letters of support from suitably qualified persons.
- The application will be reviewed by the Technical Officer with consideration to the advice and information received with the application and any other inquiries necessary.
- On approval the RAANZ delegation holder will then perform the Certificate Issue procedure below.
- The successful candidate will be issued with a FPV book and associated materials to assist in their role.
- Note: IA privileges may not be exercised until the applicant has received confirmation from RAANZ that it has been processed and approved.
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9.8 Certificate Issue
The Delegation Holder will perform the following checks, as appropriate, before issuing a Certificate, Rating or Authorisation within the scope of the RAANZ 149 Certificate.
- Check that the Certificate and Membership Validation (CMV) form is correctly filled out.
- Check that the Instructor/ATO's RAANZ membership is current.
- Check that the Instructor/ATO's AFR is current.
- Check that the Instructor/ATO holds the appropriate rating.
- Check that the candidate's RAANZ membership is current.
- Check that the candidate's Medical certificate is current.
- If an initial issue- perform the Fit and Proper Person Procedure.
- Check the necessary exams have been completed.
- Check the result of the flight test.
- Update the member record and issue a new Certificate.
9.9 Modification Assessments
The holder of a CAA re-assessment and re-inspection authorisation will perform the following steps to assess a modification to a Microlight Aircraft within the scope of the RAANZ 149 Certificate.
- The aircraft owner will provide RAANZ with documentation of the modifications, including photos and drawings as appropriate.
- The modification request will be sent to the authorisation holder for review and assessment.
- If the application is rejected RAANZ will inform the applicant.
- If the modification request is accepted the authorisation holder will outline any steps the applicant may need to complete and confirm the modification.
- If the modification request is for a Class II microlight and it affects airworthiness the authorisation holder will refer it to CAA for assessing/approving compliance with regard to compliance with CAR 103.207.
- If the authorisation holder is unable to personally inspect the modification, that inspection may be carried out by a suitably qualified person selected by the authorisation holder and authorised by the Director.
- On completion of the modification and after any requested inspections have been completed the authorisation holder will sign off the request and forward all documentation to the Administration Officer to complete the procedure.
- The Administration Officer will file all of the documents in the Approved Modifications File .
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9.10 Quality Assurance Action Procedure
9.10.1 Quality Assurance Items
- Quality Assurance Items will be opened when
- a Quality Assurance Feedback Form is received
- an Acccident/Incident report is received
- an Defect report is received
- personal feedback from members requiring quality assurance action is received
- quality assurance procedures are performed
- audit procedures are performed
- vital safety information is received by any means.\\
- Each item will be entered in the Quality Assurance Action File as an open item.
- The Chief Executive Officer , Systems Auditor and Administration Officer will then review the item.
- After responses have been reviewed appropriate action will be agreed on and implemented.
- If corrective or preventative action is required it will be recorded against the item, stating what action is required and by whom.
- The item will be flagged as closed when the action has been completed
- The item will remain open to be reviewed during follow up.
- Where necessary new items will be opened with a date of proposed closure. These items will be reviewed during follow up.
- A summary of items opened , closed and currently open will be presented to the Management Review by the Administration Officer .
- This action will be recorded as an audit entry, with the summary, each time the summary is produced.
- The Management Review will review the Quality Assurance Action File and ensure that items are progressing and follow up on any open items that require action.
- An audit item will be recorded each time this step is performed.
9.10.2 Alert Level
If the RAANZ Executive Council receives in excess of five Incident, Accident or Defect Reports of a sufficiently similar nature as to be identifiable as a trend, then notification will be circulated to all Clubs, published in the Official Medium, and a copy sent to Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, of the trend indicated and recommended corrective action to be taken.
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9.11 Fit and Proper Person Procedure
RAANZ will perform the following steps to determine if an applicant for a Certificate, Rating or Authorisation is a Fit and Proper Person as defined in section 10 of the CAA Act-
- Accept evidence of a current certificate issued by the director, implying Fit and Proper Person.
- Accept form CAA 24FPP - Fit and Proper Person, or the RAANZ Fit and Proper Person declaration, with all relevant questions answered as "no".
- If any of the questions are answered "yes", the Delegation Holder will investigate the circumstances to determine if the applicant qualifies as a fit and proper person.
- If an applicant fails these steps RAANZ will seek advice regarding the Fit and Proper Person Application from CAA.
- RAANZ will proceed with the applicant's processing once guidance has been received from CAA. Any cost involved in this process will rest with the applicant.
- Any appeals regarding Fit and Proper applications will be handled with respect to procedures detailed in the Civil Aviation Act 1990.
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10 Administrative Data Held
10.1 Data Policy
- Member and Aircraft data is held by RAANZ in two forms.
- Incoming Primary data is received from Instructors and IAs on Certificate and Membership Vaidation (CMV) and Flight Permit Validation (FPV) forms. This contains the raw information on all members and aircraft.
- This data is captured and transferred to an online database for easy search and retrieval by authorised parties. The online database refers to the most recent CMV or FPV for tracing back to the primary data.
- Each member and aircraft has an associated contact log recording the date, action taken, and reference primary document to provide a history and traceability of previous documents.
- Each primary record (Certificate and Membership Validation or Flight Permit Validation form) is filed in an archive file allowing verification of data held on the computer database.
- All primary records are kept for at least 3 years.
- All records will be legible.
- Files will be clearly marked and suitably bound.
- All files will be held at RAANZ Head Office unless otherwise stated.
- The online database is hosted on a third party hosting platform with appropriate safeguards.
- All locally held RAANZ files are mirrored in real time in the cloud using DropBox.
- This provides a fully secured distributed backup service with change history, accessible from any registered computer.
10.2 RAANZ Database
A database holding a snapshot of current information on members, aircraft, instructors/ATOs, IAs and clubs, along with a contact log for each member and aircraft.
The contact log provides a history of previous changes to the pilot or aircraft status traceable back to the received document in the Archive files.
10.3 Archive files
A file of all CMVs, FPVs and associated documents received and processed are initialised and dated, filed in date order in box files marked with start and end dates.
In association with the member or aircraft contact log this supports easier retrieval of the original document.
All online forms received are also held in the appropriate database table.
10.4 Senior Persons and Exective Council file
A file detailing qualifications, experience and contact information of all persons holding delegated authority, Senior Person or Executive Council membership.
10.5 Quality Assurance Action File
A file containing records of all Quality Assurance Actions.
10.6 Approved Modifications File
A file containing records of all Modification Approvals.
10.7 Defect Reports File
A file containing defect reports and their status.
10.8 Accident/Incident Report File
A file containing Accident/Incident reports and their status.
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11 Documentation
Copies of documentation required by Senior Persons are held at the Head Office in hard copy or available online. Wherever possible it is recommended that documentation is accessed via the internet. The following documents are accessed through the CAA website :
- The Civil Aviation Act 1990
- CAA Rules Parts 12 , 61 , 91 , 103 , 149 and their associated ACs
he RAANZ Administration Officer subscribes to the "notification" service provided by CAA for documentation changes and will notify the Senior Persons of any relevant documents affected.
11.1 Official Forms
The forms used by RAANZ i performing its responsibilities under Part 149 include:
- RAANZ Quality Assurance Feedback form
- RAANZ Aircraft Defect Report form
- RAANZ Accident/IncidentReport form
- RAANZ Medical Declaration form
- RAANZ Fit and Proper Person declaration form
- RAANZ Certificate and Memebship Validation form
- RAANZ Flight Permit Validation form
For more information : Raanz Administration Copyright 1997-2021 Recreational Aircraft Association of N.Z. All rights reserved.