Revision: February 09, 2017, at 08:26 PM
1.1 The name of the Society shall be the "RECREATIONAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND ( Incorporated)"
2.1 To promote, encourage and foster the sport of building and flying Recreational Aircraft in New Zealand.
2.2 To promote the teaching of safe and efficient flying techniques in respect of Recreational Aircraft.
2.3 To provide an organisational structure to liaise with the regulatory bodies governing recreational flying, to accept delegated responsibilities from these bodies , to discuss and promote all aspects of the sport of Recreational Flying and the use of Recreational Aircraft with these bodies.
3.1 The registered office of the Society shall be at such place as the Executive Committee shall from time to time determine. Due notice of every change of the place of the registered office shall be given to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
4.1 In the interpretation of these Rules (unless the context requires a different construction):
"The Society" shall mean the Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand (Incorporated).
"The Executive Committee" shall mean the Executive Committee for the time being of the Society constituted under these Rules.
"Prescribed" shall mean as prescribed by the Executive Committee.
Words importing the singular number only include the plural number and vice versa.
5.1 The Society is established for the following purposes within New Zealand only:
5.1.1 To act as the controlling body for the clubs and other bodies engaged in the sport of building and flying Recreational Aircraft in New Zealand ("the Sport").
5.1.2 To promote, encourage and foster the Sport.
5.1.3 To collect and supply information in relation to, and to advise on all or any matters pertaining to the Sport, and/or Microlight aeronautics generally.
5.1.4 To promote and hold, either alone or in association with any other organisation or person, Recreational Aircraft meetings, contests, competitions, matches, trials, or similar events and affect, offer, give, or contribute to prizes, medals and awards to participants and others.
5.1.5 To promote and hold any social or other functions for the purpose of promoting or assisting any of the Objects herein.
5.1.6 To raise money by subscriptions and to grant any rights or privileges to subscribers.
5.1.7 To take any gift of property whether subject to any special trust or not, for any one or more of the Objects of the Society.
5.1.8 To take any lawful steps for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Society.
5.1.9 From time to time to subscribe or contribute to any patriotic or charitable object of a public character.
5.1.10 To delegate any portion of the work of the Society to any organisation formed for the advancement of any branch of aeronautics or aviation, and appoint representatives on such bodies.
5.1.11 To join or affiliate as a member of any Club, Association or society (whether incorporated or not) and having as one of its objects the advancement or government of aeronautics or aviation.
5.1.12 To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any real or personal property and any rights or privileges either necessary or convenient for any of the purposes of the Society, and to erect, maintain, improve, or alter any buildings, premises or works as may be required.
5.1.13 To subscribe for or otherwise acquire and hold shares, debentures or securities of any company carrying on or about to carry on any business capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit the Society or members thereof.
5.1.14 To sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, charge or otherwise deal with all or any part of the real or personal property of the Society.
5.1.15 To borrow or raise money by the issue of debentures or upon mortgage or charges of any real or personal property of the Society or alternatively without giving security.
5.1.16 To deal with the funds of the Society in furthering the objects of the Society and to invest any funds not immediately required for such purpose.
5.1.17 To subscribe and become a member of any other Society or Association, whether incorporated or, whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of the Society.
5.1.18 To co-operate with other persons and bodies corporate for any of the foregoing objects.
6.1 The Society may agree from time to accept as an Affiliated Club any club with objects similar to and not inconsistent with the objects of the Society.
7.1 The Society shall consist of an unlimited number of full members.
7.2 Every application for membership shall be accompanied by the current annual subscription and shall be made in writing in the prescribed form, which shall be executed by the applicant and delivered to the Administration Officer. Each application for membership shall include the Club of which the applicant is a member, if applicable.
7.3 Application for membership may be reviewed by the Executive Committee and the applicant shall be notified if their application is declined.
7.4 Membership shall be upon an anniversary basis and a member shall cease to be a member of the Society if the member's subscription is not paid within three months after the expiry of their subscription provided that in special circumstances the Executive Committee may extend membership to persons without payment of a subscription if to do so is in the interests of the objects of the Society.
7.5 The subscription shall be determined from time to time at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
7.6 Any member may resign his or her membership by giving to the Administration Officer notice in writing to that effect.
7.7 The Society may agree from time to time to extend associate membership to suitable persons who do not wish to become full members. Associate members shall be extended such privileges on payment of such amounts as the Society may from time to time determine but no Associate member shall be entitled to hold office of to speak or vote at any meeting of the Society.
8.1 At any Annual General Meeting of the Society, the Society may, on the nomination of the Executive Committee and with the approval of not less than two-thirds of the members constituting such meeting, confer Life Membership on a person in recognition of conspicuous active service to the Society or its objects and may appoint one or more patrons. A Patron shall be entitled to be present and to speak but not to vote at General Meetings of the Society. A life member is entitled to receive all of the privileges of a full financial member.
9.1 The financial year of the Society shall be from the 1st day of October in one year to the 30th day of September in the next year, or as may be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time.
10.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held not later than the last day of December each year and at such meeting the following business shall be transacted:
10.1.1 Receipt and consideration of the Annual Report of the Executive Committee and any other duly constituted committee.
10.1.2 Receipt and consideration of the Annual Financial Statement from the Administration Officer.
10.1.3 The election of a Patron and Life Members if desired.
10.1.4 The election of persons to vacant positions on the Executive Committee.
10.1.5 Following the election of the Executive Committee, the appointment of a President, and a Vice-President from among the Members of the Executive Committee. .
10.1.6 The election of a Financial Auditor or Reviewer independent of the Executive Committee.
10.1.7 The consideration of such other business as may be accepted by permission of the majority of members present and with power to vote at such meeting.
11.1 No person shall be elected to office unless that person has been formally nominated by their Club, and is present at the Annual General Meeting at which he or she is to be elected, or has previously signified his or her willingness to accept nomination. The candidate shall declare his/her relevant background, affiliations and intentions to the AGM, either in person or by written declaration.
11.2 Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for terms of three years and shall retire by rotation. Retiring members may seek reelection.
11.3 The President shall hold office for a term of one year, but shall be eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of two further presidential terms following which he or she shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of a further three years.
11.4 The Vice-President shall be made from within and by the elected Council and will hold office for the term of one year but may seek re-election without restriction.
12.1 A Special General Meeting of the Society may be held at any time which the Executive Committee may appoint. Ten members may sign a requisition to the President to convene a Special General Meeting and on receipt of such requisition the President shall instruct the Administration Officer to call such a meeting within fourteen (14) days. The business to be dealt with at such meeting shall be limited to the matters stated in the requisition and/or notice of such meeting.
13.1 Every year a financial statement shall be prepared showing all the receipts and expenditure of the Society since the preceding statement and a general statement of the funds and effects and liabilities and assets of the Society and every such statement shall be signed by the President and Administrative Officer and certified by the Auditor or Reviewer and be laid before the Annual Meeting.
14.1 Notices of all Annual and Special General Meetings of the Society shall be given to each member not less than 14 days prior to the meeting and shall deemed to be duly given if posted to the last known address or emailed to the last known email address of each member not less than twenty one (21) days prior to the date of the meeting.
15.1 The quorum at Annual, Special and General Meetings of the Society shall consist of at least fifty percent of the membership present in person or by proxy. In the case of an Annual or General Meeting, if the quorum is not met the Chairman shall be deemed to hold to necessary proxy to achieve a quorum. The Chairman may use this proxy to facilitate the progress of the meeting, but may not use it to approve significant or Constitutional changes- he/she must exercise a conservative status quo vote.
16.1 The President shall chair all meetings of the Society and Executive Committee when present and shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees and shall have general and active management responsibilities and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Executive Committee are carried into effect.
16.2 The Vice-President will perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be delegated by the President and in the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.
16.3 The Vice-President will otherwise perform such duties and exercise such powers as may, from time to time, be assigned to the Vice President by the Executive Committee.
17.1 The method of voting at all meetings of the Society shall be on the voices, show of hands or on demand by any member or representative of a member as hereinafter provided, by poll.
17.2 Each full member shall be entitled to a single vote exercisable in person or by proxy. Subject to the following rule, a proxy must be given in writing signed by the member and supplied to the chair of the meeting prior to its commencement.
17.3 Members who are not present and who have not given a proxy in accordance with the foregoing rule shall be deemed to have given their proxy to the Official Representative of their club. Official Club Representatives must be nominated by their club and registered prior to the commencement of the meeting and must establish to the chair prior to the meeting the membership of their club in respect of any member whose proxy they intend to exercise. Where any member is a member of more than one Affiliated Club that member shall be required to nominate a proxy and this rule shall not apply to them.
17.4 The Chairperson shall have at all meetings a deliberative vote; and he or she shall in case the votes are equal also have a casting vote. Other than the chairperson's casting vote no member shall be entitled to more than one vote.
17.5 A declaration by the Chairperson of any meeting to the effect that any resolution submitted at such meeting has been carried or been carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the Minute Book of the Society shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number of votes recorded in favour of or against the resolution.
17.6 The Executive may choose to hold a postal poll or election. Each full member shall be entitled to one vote and voting papers shall be posted to the last notified address of each member not less than twenty one (21) days prior to the date of the poll or election. 1.1
18.1 The Executive Committee shall comprise:
18.1.1 Six persons elected in accordance with these rules from among whom the President, and Vice-President shall be appointed by the Elected Executive Committee.
18.1.2 The Immediate Past President, ex officio.
18.1.3 An Administrator, an Operations Officer and a Technical Officer who shall be appointed to the Executive Committee by the elected Executive Committee members on an annual basis. The appointed members will have full voting rights and privileges on the Executive Committee at meetings.
18.2 The Executive Committee shall meet at such frequency as shall be necessary to deal with the business of the Society.
18.3 A quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall not be less than half the number of members of the Executive Committee for the time being.
18.4 Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote at Executive Committee meetings with the exception of the President who shall have a second or casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
18.5 The Executive Committee shall have power to fill any casual vacancy in its elected members and the person or persons so appointed shall retire at the next Annual General Meeting of the Society, but shall be eligible for election.
19.1 The tenure of office of all members of the Executive Committee, with the exception of the office of Immediate Past President, shall terminate on the appointment of their successor. Any member of the Executive Committee being non-contributing for three consecutive current agenda items without leave of absence shall, unless otherwise resolved by majority of the Executive Committee, cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.
20.1 Subject to the directions of the Society in General Meeting, the policy of the Society shall be determined and the management and control of its affairs shall be vested in the Executive Committee, which may exercise all powers and do all acts and things which may be exercised or done by the Society and which are not expressly directed or required to be exercised or done by it in General Meeting.
20.2 The Executive Committee shall keep or cause to be kept a proper account of the income and expenditure of the Society. The Executive Committee may invest in such securities and upon such terms as it thinks fit the whole or any part of the funds of the Society which are not required for the immediate business of the Society.
21.1 The Society or the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint such Standing Committees as it shall from time to time deem advisable and may delegate and assign to such Committees such powers, duties and responsibilities as the Society or Executive Committee shall think fit.
21.2 Standing Committees shall meet and report as required to carry out their functions and shall be allocated sufficient funds to meet expenses by the Executive Committee.
21.3 Standing Committees shall not expend any monies or incur any liabilities in excess of any budget approved by the Executive Committee without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
21.4 Each Standing Committee shall keep minutes of all meetings and forward the same to the Executive Committee.
21.5 The Executive Committee shall have power to fill any casual vacancies or make any further appointments to a Standing Committee from time to time.
22.1 The Society or the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint the convenor and members of such other committees as it shall from time to time deem advisable and each such committee shall have such powers and duties as shall be fixed by said appointment. Each committee shall consist of such number of persons as shall be appointed from time to time by the Executive Committee. The members of each such committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Society or the Executive Committee.
23.1 The Society shall provide a Common Seal which shall be in the custody of the Administration Officer. The Seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except in pursuance of a resolution of the Executive Committee and/or Society and in the presence of two members of the Executive Committee or one member of the Executive Committee and the Administration Officer.
24.1 The Administration Officer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for the receipting of all funds and shall deposit such funds in the Society name in such banks, trust companies or other securities as may be selected by the Executive Committee. The Administration Officer shall also be responsible for the receiving and writing of cheques on behalf of the Society and shall render a statement of the condition of the finances to the Executive Committee at all regular meetings and in general shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee may from time to time establish.
24.2 The Administration Officer may delegate functions to an Administration Assistant as required. The Administration Officer will supervise and assist an Administration Assistant to perform the day to day functions of running the organisation.
25.1 The income of the Society shall be applied as follows:
25.1.1 Any income, benefit or advantage shall be applied to the purposes of the Society.
25.1.2 No member or any person associated with a member shall participate in or materially influence any decision made by the Society in respect of the payment to or on behalf of that member or associated person or any income, benefit or advantage whatsoever.
25.1.3 Any such income paid shall be fair and reasonable and relative to that which would be paid in arms length transactions (being the open market value).
25.1.4 The provisions and effect of this Clause shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.
26.1 Any alteration, amendment or rescission of these Rules shall be made only by a resolution passed by seventy five percent of the members voting in the manner provided at the Annual General Meeting of the Society or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.
26.2 Notice of motion for alteration, amendment or rescission shall be given to the Administration Officer not less than one calendar month prior to the Annual or Special General Meeting as the case may be.
26.3 No alteration, amendment or rescission of these Rules shall be made that in any way detracts from the aims of the Society.
26.4 Any alteration, amendment or rescission of these Rules shall forthwith be registered with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
27.1 If a dispute arises at any time in respect of a matter which is not provided for in these Rules or any doubt exists as to the interpretation of these Rules or any other matter shall arise pertaining to the Society, its property or interests, the same shall be determined by the Executive Committee whose decision shall be conclusive and binding on all members unless revoked at a Special General Meeting held not later than the next following Annual General Meeting.
28.1 The Society may be wound up in the manner prescribed by Section 24 of the Incorporated Societies Act 1908, and its amendments. Twenty one (21) days' notice of the required General Meeting shall be called by advertisement inserted once in one or more public newspapers circulated within the provinces of New Zealand in which members of the Society reside. Every member represented at the meeting shall on a show of hands and on a poll, have one vote. If within half an hour from the time appointed for such a meeting, a quorum is not present, the members present may transact the business of that meeting as if they constituted a quorum.
29.1 If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Society, there remains after the satisfaction of all its liabilities, any property real or personal, the same shall be paid to an appropriate allied body or bodies chosen by the Society whose objects are similar to those of the Society.
30.1 All members of the Society are required to comply with and promote the rules of the Society, the rules and procedures set out in the Society's "Policy and Procedures Manual", the Civil Aviation Rules, and any other official documents published by the Society. A member who fails to comply with the prescribed practices may be deemed to be acting contrary to the interest of the society.
30.2 The Committee may require such member, after due notice having been given, to attend before it and to answer such actions. The committee may, upon reasonable consideration of the evidence given, decide to suspend or expel such member. Consequently that member's right to hold a RAANZ issued flight certificate will be either suspended or rescinded. Any such decision will be binding and CAA will be advised accordingly.